I try to make it a point to explain each Holiday or event to Layla in a way she can understand. She has been very inquisitive lately, asking literally hundreds of questions a day it seems! To make her better understand Thanksgiving we did a few thankful crafts.
The first craft was a turkey craft that we did a few days before Thanksgiving. We cut out lots of different feathers and dedicated each one to something that was very important to her. At first she didn't quite know what to say, I had to explain there is no right or wrong she just had to look in her heart. Before long she had filled out every feather and we had to make more! Slowly we both realized how many wonderful people we have in our life. She was so proud of her girl turkey (she gave her eyelashes) that she showed her off to everyone! It made us all feel special because she made sure to add almost everyone she knew!
Our second craft was for our whole family. we thought of it at the last minute and didn't have the best supplies but we made it work. We took the time to cut out slices of "pumpkin pie" on poster board and everyone who came to dinner had to write what they were most thankful for when they arrived. It was nice because she made the first slice then slowly as everyone showed up the pie began to look whole. The very last slice was filled in by my little sister and Layla's best friend who had to work and was the last one to show up. It ended up being a very sweet and fun way to show everyone how much they meant to us as well as find out what's most important to our family. From Jack the horse, wonderful neighbors, good friends, God's love, video Games, and family it was something that made us all smile! I'm sure it'll be something we will continue for years to come.
I think it'll be nice for Layla and her cousins to remember how we as adults made it a point to be grateful and appreciate what we have. I try to let her know how lucky we are everyday but these little things we do as a family will always stick with them as well as us. I love the quote "our children will remember what we do more than what we say" and I wholeheartedly believe that. They are always watching so we must try to set a good example everyday not just one day a year! That one day a year is just an added bonus!
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