Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Just Another Wednesday

Today when I picked Layla up from school I was very pleased to get a huge hug and a smile when I walked in the door. Previous days she has been happy to see me but not happy about leaving class. She continues to do very well in class and yet when I ask her about her day she really only remembers her lunch.
 Today though something exciting happened that even Layla remembered! The kids got to use markers for their pictures! Layla drew a picture of me, herself, and her father. I haven't seen it but she says I am very big in the picture because I am the Mama. I love that everything she makes is just for me.. I know one day I'll have to share her artwork when she realizes that is an option but for now I will enjoy it!

The weather was so beautiful today that we just had to stop by the ice cream shop again this time someone fell asleep sitting up enjoying her cone. It was a bit hilarious and seriously cute.


1 comment:

  1. I love that she can eat an ice cream cone while falling asleep! She is awesome! :)
