Friday, January 4, 2013


It's a New Year!

I cannot believe how fast the last year went for us! Layla and I had a challenging yet very exciting year. I learned a lot about myself and she has developed into quite the young lady! She's adventurous and caring and such a happy girl! It makes this Mommy thing so much more exciting when you put your child out into the world and they actually have an opinion about what is going on. Although sometimes they give their opinion when you don't quite need it!!

Layla and I were talking about resolutions and about the upcoming year and I told her that I needed to work on being more patient, and organized! I always have wonderful ambitions but have been short on the follow through because I don't plan and get overwhelmed! There's no more of that!! She decided she wants to learn how to turn her bike around on her own, and do more ballet. Both I think are wonderful ambitions for a four year old.

I think this is going to be a great year!
I'm excited to see what's in store for all of us!