With the absence of her dad in her everyday life I used to feel like Layla was missing out on something that every little child needs, the presence of two parents. Two people who are role models, two people who can teach the little things, two people who can brush and shush and rush. Realizing that I had to be both of those people for Layla has been a very long hard learning experience. I know now that sometimes the hardest choices we make are ultimately the easiest and best choices for our little ones. Staying with him to ensure that he stayed involved in her life was much more hurtful to her and me than deciding to do everything on my own. I understand now that one positive role model in Layla's everyday life will be much more rewarding to her than our previous circumstances. She is learning from me everyday as I continue to learn from her. I'm not saying we don't struggle because we do everyday. I have to fight her to brush her teeth, get in the shower, get out of the shower, concentrate on getting dressed (not always just when she wants extra attention) It's always worse when I work and she goes to school because she misses me and I'm tired, and we are clashing because we act just alike. But things get done, she is taken care of, she has food in her belly, clean clothes on her body and we end up giggling and laughing before the night is over.
I will always love my daughter and I will make sure that when she is an adult she has happy memories from her childhood, I will be firm in teaching her right from wrong because she learns from me. We treat our friends with kindness and respect, we say please, we say thank you, we don't use mean words. Life is what you make of it, for us and for them. I will always have my daughters best interest at heart and would never purposefully keep her from anyone. When her father gets his life together I will be more than happy to let her spend time with him alone and thats what I pray for everyday that they will be able to have some type of relationship because I know they love each other. He is just in a bad place right now, and I'm not subjecting my daughter to that lifestyle anymore.
I will just hug her, kiss her, teach her, and love her enough for both of us and I will never speak ill of him to her because I wouldn't have her without him. It's been a really really hard year for me, and this week has been one of the toughest but that little girl and her smile is what keeps me going. I'm so thankful to my family and friends and what they have stood by me through and I'll never be able to repay them for the love they had for me during the hardest time in my life so far. I'm thankful today for finally being outside of the situation and looking in.
Just a few pictures of me and my little explorer.